Saturday, June 2, 2007


Here´s a small selection of some of our pictures thus far.

The small business group with Carlos our trainer

Spanish classes at Kate´s house

Kelly´s host brothers dressed up for mother´s day

View from Mosiah´s roof

Mosiah and other youth volunteers in Magdelana (Mosiah´s town)

Cowboys in Antigua

Elmo piñta as promised
Girls in Nahuala


chris said...

Q700 is a steal for bird flu might want to think about asking for more.

Thanks for uploading the photos, its great to see what you guys are up to. Looking forward to some Xela pics. When you get a chance, check out our website, we have some new photos of cali fun. We're in Napa right now, I bought a guate calling card the other day in the Mission en espanol, will give you a call soon-

Anonymous said...

I agree, at least double your bird flu price!

Thanks for posting the pictures, it makes your lives so much more real seeing what you see. We went relativing today and saw Gina and Mike, Karla and the girls as well as Cathy. We set up a newer computer for cathy so we spent the afternoon at her place. They all say hi!

Anonymous said...

looks like you're doing well...we miss you back in colorado. just been working my ass off at wild oats, which isn't a bad thing.
