It’s official we have lost our freaking minds. A few weeks ago we were checking the e-mail and saw that Peace Corps China was looking for a few good men and women to extend and work for their post. Doubting our credentials but full of hope we applied half joking that we might just make it. Volunteers for another year and a half, why not?
After a few weeks and a few sleepless nights came some news. Our PTO (Program and Training Officer for all of you non Peace Corps savvy people) informed us that we were given the green light for the medical section of our transfer. If all goes well, we will be medically cleared and off to China in June. “Wait… That means we will have to leave here in a month”, you can imagine the colorful language and general freak out that ensued directly after that realization. I am constantly reminded that I could take change better. I will however say this is not 100% as of today, but a very good possibility.
Here we are getting ready to leave. I find myself thinking about China and immediately missing Guatemala. Today we filled out our calendars, realizing all of the things that we have to do between now and then. Meds, classes, conferences, workshops, and goodbyes so many things to do and so little time here. I wish that pulling up stakes and drastically changing your life got easier with repetition, but really I think it is equally hard every time. I feel exactly like I did the first time we joined. Under prepared to say goodbye, worried about language, and hoping the medical exams go well. I suppose the flip side is that we have gone through all of this before and I can see through to the other side. I can see the friends, coming through culture shock and learning to love another country.
So there it is. KandM Guatemala will hopefully be rebranded KandM China by June. Sorry for the short notice to everyone back home and here in Guate. We hope that you will still drop in from time to time and see how we are doing. We will of course still accept any and all care package, presents, well wishes, and love that you might send. We will post a confirmation when we are positive that we are in. We also apologize if there is little information between now and June due to all that we need to get done.
Until then,
National Emblem of The People´s Republic of China
I love you guys and I am going to miss you to death here in Guate, but I am SO excited for your new adventure in China!!
I can't wait to go and visit you!!
Congrats and good luck with all the preparations! I'm very excited for ya'll!
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