Monday, June 25, 2007


2 more days until we find out our future town for the next 2 years of our lives and the specifics of our projects. Then 3 more weeks until we swear in as real Peace Corps volunteers and move to our sites. We can´t wait!

Today we had the opportunity to meet the US ambassador to Guatemala. It was a very informal meeting at the Peace Corps training center. They even ordered Domino´s pizza! The ambassador is very down to earth and open and honest about his roll here. It was also interesting to learn about the US agenda in Guatemala. Peace Corps and the State Department are completely seperated in order for PC to be effective and remain independent of foreign policy. This issue is very stressed on both sides. Anyway, it was an interesting meeting because as peace corps volunteers we were able to ask more pointed questions than your average ¨government¨ employee.

We´ll keep you informed about were we are placed. Until then you are all missed and in our thoughts. Lots of love!!


Anonymous said...

Kelly - what a great outfit! You look healthy and happy. Mosiah - It's great to read "yous guys" blogs and see that you are both faring so well!

Our love to you - Tam and Dad

Anonymous said...

State Depatment and Peace Corps are seperate? What if Peace Corps is making a mistake regarding memorandums of understanding and coups?

B. said...

So were you more excited about the pizza or the ambassador?

chris said...

thanks for posting the photos -- looking forward to hearing about your new town. How did you like Xela?

Anonymous said...

great pictures, kelly you do look great however I must have missed the pictures of Mosiah surrounded by his students so could you post some more pictures? Which part of the country would you like to be stationed at for the next 2 years? Preferably some place warm!

From Kate's comment I would guess there was some veggie pizza that was enjoyed by Kelly.

Thinking of you all the time

love dad

Anonymous said...

Love the photos!!!
Hey Kelly-I just sent you 2 envelopes with a couple of shirts...I hope you get them soon!
Lots of Love...we think of you all the time!