Monday, May 14, 2007

cell phones

Yes... I know cell phones in the Peace Corps... Most of the volunteers get cell phones as it´s a cheap way to communicate with each other and with the Peace Corps Office for security.

If anyone is interested our numbers are:

Mosiah: 59054853
Kelly: 59085840


Kelly and Mosiah said...

If you want to call us you have to dial 011-502 and then the number.
Thanks to all those people who have come to read the blog. We will post as often as possible.

Matt Morris said...

I do most certainly want to call. What is the best time to do it? Mid-day? Evening?

Katie said...

Hi- So good to hear from you and see how things are going...I'm glad that you are doing better Kel and just let me know when the best time to call is.

Take Care, I think of you guys often.
Love Katie

kelly montoya said...

The best time to call is after 7pm. We´re in the same time zone as Colorado so it makes it pretty easy. Mosiah eats dinner strictly at 6pm every night with his family so you can´t really call him before that. I know from experience :) Can´t wait to hear from ya!!

Unknown said...

Hearing your voice last night made my day, my month whatever. I will call you after 7! You are both missed and loved...

sarah "the werckle"

Anonymous said...

The cell phone makes you feel so "close". We will need to figure out what card we can call guatemala with so you don't have to spend your minutes calling us. It's great your on the same time as us! How's the espanol going?
love, mom and dad

Sarah said...

So amazing to hear it all and see pics. As I sat with the tears streaming down I realized just how flexible you are and such encouragment to the rest of us to live care free lives. May your next few weeks be as wonderful as you both are. Missing and loving you in CO! S

Anonymous said...


It was great to talk with you last night. I think I was surprised as you when the call went right through, I was expecting a voice in Spanish telling me to leave a message. We will get some warm stuff together for a care package and try to get it off soon. Enjoy the experience! Life is calling.

love dad