Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Thinking of Leaving Magdalena

We are sitting at the training site awaiting our site assignments. In some ways I am very excited and in others I am a little sad. I know that I have not mentioned this before, but I have grown attached to my host family and I think that I am really going to miss being in their home. I am especially going to miss my best Guatemalan friend, Marvin. Sure he is 4 but I it helps that we have about the same Spanish language ability.
Everyday when I get home from work he has some activity planned for us. Some days we draw, other days we color, but more than anything he loves to play soccer. Now only if I can get my future students to make me laugh as much as he does.
The rest of my host family is amazing. They are so kind and generous that sometimes I feel like they are getting a raw deal. Not only do they provide me a space to live, food, and laundry; but they also provide laughter, conversation and truly care for Kelly and me. All I can really do is hope that our next family is as wonderful and hospitable as the Martinez family has been.

Monday, June 25, 2007


2 more days until we find out our future town for the next 2 years of our lives and the specifics of our projects. Then 3 more weeks until we swear in as real Peace Corps volunteers and move to our sites. We can´t wait!

Today we had the opportunity to meet the US ambassador to Guatemala. It was a very informal meeting at the Peace Corps training center. They even ordered Domino´s pizza! The ambassador is very down to earth and open and honest about his roll here. It was also interesting to learn about the US agenda in Guatemala. Peace Corps and the State Department are completely seperated in order for PC to be effective and remain independent of foreign policy. This issue is very stressed on both sides. Anyway, it was an interesting meeting because as peace corps volunteers we were able to ask more pointed questions than your average ¨government¨ employee.

We´ll keep you informed about were we are placed. Until then you are all missed and in our thoughts. Lots of love!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Matt and Sean are the Best!!!

I would just like to take a moment to thank Matt and Sean for their wonderful and super thoughtful carepackage. We are more than open to letters, packages, and responses to our blogs.

Kelly and I have just returned from a week in and around Xela. We had the opportunity to teach a weeks worth of classes to 6th graders in the beautiful town of Cantel. The kids were so generous and fun to work with. It gives me hope that I (Mosiah) may have the strength to survive the next two years. We will post pictures as soon as we have more than a few moments of free time. Hope eveyone is well and we hope to hear from people soon.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Here´s a small selection of some of our pictures thus far.

The small business group with Carlos our trainer

Spanish classes at Kate´s house

Kelly´s host brothers dressed up for mother´s day

View from Mosiah´s roof

Mosiah and other youth volunteers in Magdelana (Mosiah´s town)

Cowboys in Antigua

Elmo piƱta as promised
Girls in Nahuala

Friday, June 1, 2007

poco a poco

We have been in Guatemala for a month now and the rain has finally started. Hurricane Barbara is off the Pacific coast of Mexico so we´ve been getting rain for the past few days... For some reason I had it in my head that Guatemala was going to be warm, even hot. To my surprise it´s been chilly and now wet.

Training is flying by; we have less than 2 months to go. We´re busy with classes from sunrise until sunset 6 days a week, but it feels like our Spanish and technical skills are coming along slowly. Our teachers keep reminding us poco a poca (little by little). We have our first language assessment on Monday. We have to reach a intermedio medio level to swear in as Peace Corps Volunteers on July 19th.

Mosiah and I spent this week in the indigenous town of Nahuala south east Xela on our PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer) visit. We stayed with 2 volunteers doing some amazing work with a local radio station, women's groups that do weaving and a technology center. It was nice to see volunteers in action and makes us eager to get to our site and start!

(Humm... I just had to kill a little cockroach crawling across my screen... )

Thanks to everyone for your comments and words of support. We´ll try and post more often about the specifics and i´m still trying to upload our pictures.

Lots of love!!